The Corduroy Collection

History gives us the opportunity to analyze the past, thus providing a perspective for understanding current and future trends. Lund & Lund is known for its classic navy blazers and light brown corduroy trousers. Based on our accumulated knowledge of 60 years, we are presenting you with the corduroy collection that is relevant today.

Lund & Lund Corduroy Collection

When we opened our store in the 1960s, corduroy was the sartorial choice of The Beatles, Jane Birkin and Brigitte Bardot. In the 1970s, it was worn as a symbol of anti-establishment and loved by creative genius such as Woody Allen, Bob Dylan, Pablo Picasso and Wes Anderson. Today, corduroy is a go-to choice of both quirky intelectuals and a country gentlemen.

Corduroy originates in Egypt, where fabric was woven near the ancient capital of Al-Fustat, the first capital of Egypt under Muslim rule, and the historical centre of modern Cairo. Named after the city, this heavy fabric became known as FustianUnlike corduroy, it didn’t have the raised texture which came later.

Lund & Lund Corduroy Collection

Most experts agree that the word “corduroy” comes from the French words “Cord du Roi” meaning “cord for Kings". The corduroy we use today originated in 19th century Manchester, where its hard-wearing nature made it ideal for factory workers. Therefore, in some parts of Europe including our native Sweden, corduroy is also known as ‘Manchester’.

Lund & Lund Corduroy Collection

Corduroy has always been a comfortable fabric, appreciated for its durability as well as its looks. It works perfectly in navy, brown, green and mustard shades for high-waisted trousers and wide lapel blazers. As seen in the chunky cord of our Green blazer and brown padded Valstarino, or fine needlecord of our Boglioli peak lapel blazer and Jacob Cohen 5-pocket trousers.


Made in France